
Arab Health 2023 - the biggest medical fair in the Middle East!

We are pleased to announce, that on January 30, 2023, the international medical fair - ARAB HEALTH 2023 starts!

We are pleased to announce, that on January 30, 2023, the international medical fair - ARAB HEALTH 2023 starts!

The Arab Health fair is the largest in the Middle East and one of the most significant fairs of medical equipment and devices in the world. The fair gathers tens of thousands of professionals from the healthcare industry, presenting medical products and services from over 3,500 exhibitors from around the world.

Also remember that you can share this event with your clients and business partners! We encourage you to link them on our LinkedIn

And you would be able to follow the relations on our profile on: Facebook


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  Nincsenek kedvenc termékek

To jest wyrób medyczny. Używaj go zgodnie z instrukcją używania lub etykietą.